Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Theatre is a huge part of my life.

All I ever wanted to be my whole life was an actress.

I had everything right in line to be one too, but then I got sick, and then my Mom got sick, and so I came home to Minnesota from New York.

Then I got knocked up.

Then my Mom died.

And here I am.

I wouldn't trade my son for the world. He's the best part of my life and I'm so grateful my Mom got to hold him before she died, and that I have pictures of the two of them together.

I really miss performing though.

I work with a community theatre, and perform there and have had some really fun roles. I also serve on the board of directors and will be teaching theatre education this summer, which should prove to be really fun.

My son has inherited my love for theatre and is in a production of Oliver! right now, and I've also joined the board of directors for the childrens theatre that he's performing with.

I've worked on the administrative side since I was 18, doing non profit work, mainly in fund raising and silent auction work.

I just really miss being on the stage more then one show a year.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you still doing that, or any part of that?

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