Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm so excited! I was just chosen for a BzzCampaign!

How awesome is this? I really like Burt's Bee's from the times that I've tried it. It has never reacted badly to my skin and I have a number of friends who have very sensitive skin and they are still able to use Bert's Bee's. I love the small and the quality. I can't wait to see what this Bzz Campaign has in store.

Are you a Bzz agent yet? The idea is just sharing what you think of the products that you're sent to try. Seems like a darn good deal to me. :)

So, also, I really want to get into hosting giveaways here, and am just a little overwhelmed at where to even begin. Does anyone have any recommendations?

And I still want to keep the blog as mainly a writing blog, but I think giveaways would be fun. I'd like to be able to give back to the community that has been so generous to my family and I through the amazing contests I've entered.

I have a lot of books. Maybe I'll host one of my own. I like entering contests through Rafflecopter. Is it easy being on the other side of it, those who have had contests of your own?

I guess I'm just being a little internet-phobic after the overhaul of Facebook.

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